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RI Confidential: When Your Ex-BF And Ex-BFF Almost Hookup on Tinder

Although I went on a lot of bad dates before meeting my husband (One guy with cut offs and knock-off Teva sandals whose idea of splurging was buying a round of mini-golf still stands out.), my only personal experience with online dating was when an ex-friend signed up for and proceeded to give me the play by play of all her dates. One of the worst experiences she had was actually meeting a guy she liked, going on a few dates with him and then, later, seeing his profile was still up on the site. The absolute worst experience by far though had to be the guy who charmed himself into her life, her house and her wallet (in that order), spending thousands of dollars on food, guitars, and more, until leaving her for someone else.

But that was a few years ago. More recently, another friend of mine messaged me in the middle of the day to say she had something funny to tell me. As you might have already guessed, it wasn't funny at all. Apparently, she had signed up for Tinder. She's recently single and was....curious. (Hey, she entitled.) Of course, there's more to it.

(This is the funny-not-so-funny part.) 

You'll never guess who she came across on there. Never. She said.

Who? Who ??? I said.

Oh him. I said.

And by him, she meant an ex of mine from high school (also single, also ready to smingle), someone who in all honestly I'd made a complete ass out of myself over. Several times. (Btw, anyone who swears they've never made a fool out of themselves over an ex is definitely lying.) Now, I don't know anything about Tinder (The first thing that came up when I googled it was 'naughty dating'.), but according to her, he was intent on finding out why she was on and had not right swiped on him. Again, zero knowledge of Tinder, but guessing that was his way of flirting and opening up a conversation with her. 

So, let's review: Friend. Tinder. High school boyfriend. And finally....Not funny.

Truth be told, this didn't bother me the way it might have if I were, say, in my 20's, but not gonna lie, it did annoy me, in that way where I have to confide the entire story to my sister and at least 1-2 other really super close friends who would (obviously) all sympathize and side with me. I mean isn't there some kind of unwritten dating or hookup code against your ex high school bf trying to get with a friend of yours who was once a best friend? Someone you're still kinda sorta friendly with? Pretty sure there is. Even if you were involved with him ages ago? Even if he hates your guts now and is definitely NOT voting for you for Best Local Lifestyle Blog in RIMonthly?

Yes, there absolutely is. It's called girl code, column 1 thank you very much. 

Can you relate?

Bet you can. 

Ciao For Now,



Photo Credits: Both photos found on Pinterest.