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Pizza Vs. Palm Trees: Are You Team Rhode Island Or Team Florida?

Sure it's sunnier and warmer here right now than it is in RI...

I can even get my usual morning latte or run over to the Whole Foods in Boca if I get desperate, but if we're being really being honest, this WF just isn't as good as my regular one in RI, which got me thinking about everything I miss. So here, in no particular order, is everything I am currently homesick for:

  • the plum pizza from Culinary Affair (A weekend must have for me. I could eat pizza every night for pete's sake. #ItsNotJunkFood Truth be told the lack of outstanding Italian food here is already getting to me. Did I mention I had to go to 3 stores to find Ricotta for the pie for Easter. Yup.)
  • my vegan leather jacket (You can't weather black leather in FLA without looking like an extra from Grease 2, which featured a pre-Scarface Michelle Pfieffer btw.)
  • my nieces (There's no one here to call me a certified psycho or tell me my clothes are B-O-R-I-N-G and 'old lady'.)
  • the squash quesadilla and tofu BLT from The Garden Grille (I once got my brother-in-law to eat the quesadilla. He devoured it. With gusto. In fact. And he's the farthest thing from a vegan or vegetarian you can possibly get. The food is that good people.)
  • consistent WiFi service (I really, REALLY want to post something nasty about what happened to me this week while trying to get someone from Comcast out to the condo to replace the modem.) 
  • driving around alone with my Sirius satellite radio blasting while drinking coffee (A more effective mood regulator than anything a white coat will prescribe you.)
  • my nieces' dog Louie (I adore him, yet he also annoys the heck out of me, but come to think of it, that describes almost every romantic relationship I've been involved in my adult life.)
  • tom (See previous. My check-ins involve the following texts - Are you eating? #HeDoesntKnowHowToTurnTheStoveOn Everything ok? How's Louie???)

But Wait, There's More...

How about a few recommendations for what to wear, see and do while in (this part of) FLA:

  • Lunch at Marlee's Diner & Bakery on 699 So. Federal Highway, Deerfield Beach (They have vegetarian and vegan options. Nothing's from a can. Not a greasy spoon at all. Yay! Makes me a little less homesick for all the places I can get phenomenal vegetarian back in PVD and Pawtuxet. Like The Grange, Julian's and of course, GG.)
  • Get your yoga on at American Yoga. They'll even communicate with you via text! Take note people who insist on still calling me. (Deb Cunha's Essence will always be #1 with me though. Wink!)
  • Take A Spin Class at the local neighborhood LA Fitness (The instructor this morning was kickass. And being away is no excuse to let yourself go to hell in a hand basket either.)
  • Runway TJ Maxx. Still the smartest way to buy so many department store labels, including my favs Vince, James Pearse, Rag&Bone, DVF, etc. (Also, ask them to remove those NEW red security tags they put on all their Runway after you've purchased but before you leave the store. I almost cut a hole in a Vince sweater while trying to remove one recently. Besides, they are aimed at all those who buy, wear and return. And we'd never do that, would we? I have stories. Dozens of stories about those who do. But that's another post for another time.)

Ciao for Now,
