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New & Exciting In RI: PVDonuts

Patty J Note: I've been trying - unsuccessfully - to get my hands on some PVDonuts for the last two weeks or so. Luckily, today's contributor, Grace, was able to pre-order and try them. She even offered to blog about the experience. This is her take.

Breakfast has always been my favorite meal, mostly because of the family time surrounding it. From the classic Coco Puffs at my Grandma’s to pancakes from scratch made by my dad, it has always been associated with positive memories. Now that my brothers live all over the country, I feel lucky whenever we get the chance to share time together. Getting a whole meal with them is my version of hitting the jackpot, whether it's snagging a booth at Jigger's or grabbing a juice from Raw Bob's. Recently, one of my brothers stumbled upon the PVDonuts Instagram, and we decided it was necessary to try them together.

PVDonuts does not yet have their own storefront, but rather supplies coffeeshops, including Angelina's, Coastal Roasters, and Malachi's Cafe. It is recommended to pre-order them because they sell out so quickly. We pre-ordered ours over Facebook message from Malachi’s Cafe in Providence (who are very nice and helpful!). 

We tried the coconut, vanilla glaze, and chocolate frosted flavors. (See photos above.) The overall consensus was that PVDonuts are highly instagram-able and appealing to look at. The texture is definitely more cake-like than donut. They are also gigantic. We were able to split one between 4 people. Ultimately, PVDonuts are incomparable to the iconic Allie's, but they do have a lot of potential and are worth a try! 


More About Grace

Grace is a native RI'er and regular contributor to She enjoys walking her dog, coffee, and the beach in Westerly, where she's still hoping to someday bump into Taylor Swift.



Photo Credits: Thumbnail of PVD skyline courtesy of Getty Images for Square Space (licensed for use by Patty J Style, LLC, and Photos of Angelina's, Coastal Roasters, and Malachi's courtesy of All other photos courtesy of Grace.