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This Is The Hottest Ticket In RI Right Now

We'd bought tickets online about a week and a half ago. I'd stumbled across it while scrolling their site during brunch at The Garden Grille - Sunrise at Wicked Tulips (Farm) in Johnston. So, maybe everyone was checking in from, or posting all about, 'Wicked' (Search the hashtag Wicked Tulips on social, you'll see.), but this 6am event was something brand-y new this year and I hadn't seen thing one about it anywhere else online. Hence, there would most likely be #BraggingRights for attending, yes?

It was scheduled to kick off on Tuesday, April 25, but since I already had plans to attend a blogging conference in NYC that day, we agreed the following Tuesday, May 2nd, would be the big day. I mean, there was rain in the forecast for the 25th anyway and what're the odds it would also rain that next Tues?

Cut to yesterday morning at around 3:30 am when thunder and heavy rain startled me up out of a deep sleep. After a minor anxiety attack (What to do? Should we still go?), and a few quality minutes stalking the Wicked Tulips' Facebook Page, figured I'd send a private message to see whether or not they would be opening. Since it turned out they would in fact be open for biz (extra points for their getting back to me so darn quickly), we decided to motor over, in our inclement weather gear (Don't even think about any dainty footwear, even if the sun is shining!), and give it a whirl. 

Everything was beautiful, despite the rain (although it did let up some by 6-6:15am). The funny part was that I was certain we would be the only ones there, given the stormy conditions and super early hour. Not even close! Right after we parked, a bunch of other cars and trucks started making their way in. I mean, that's really saying something, as in -  "This is THE hottest ticket in town!" Another interesting observation is the amount of peeps, who (like us) were there taking pics, or having their pic taken, in the Show Garden. (As the name says, it's not for picking, only for appreciating with your eyes or photo opps.) Again, that is MAY-JOR, especially at 6:30am on a drizzly Tues morning. 

For more info about how to have your own 'Wicked Tulips' experience, click here for their site and additional info. (Also, last I looked, "they" were even booking photo sessions with a professional photog, if you're just not feeling the I-Phone fotos.)

Ciao for Now,

Patty J


Photo Credits: All photos at Wicked Tulips are courtesy of