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The Mompreneur Guide To Eating Healthy On The Go

Eating healthy is hard enough but adding a toddler and 3 businesses to the mix can make it that much more difficult. I’ll share a few tips that work for me, but keep in mind that one size definitely does not fit all! And giving the disclaimer that I sure don’t get it right all the time: I am overtired, overworked, and struggling just like everyone else. The first 2 years is about the feed-change-laundry hamster wheel, snatching as much sleep as possible, and easing back into the workforce/fitness routine. All the more reason moms on the go need to maintain a healthy diet to keep energy levels up. Here are some tips:

 1.    Don’t skip breakfast! I know we hear this a lot, but really...don’t. Some of my favorite breakfasts are smoothies (with almond milk, frozen banana - Remember to peel the banana before freezing! - spinach, and almond butter), eggs with fruit salad, granola and yogurt with fruit, and avocado with gluten free toast.

2.     Be prepared. I don't always have time to spend half of my Sunday making chicken, veggies, and rice, and packaging it in individual containers for the week. But I do have time to pack high protein granola bars, nuts, fruit, and cheese sticks. These are great snacks to share with your toddler as well.

*Be sure to leave some of these snacks in your purse, diaper bag, car or desk drawer, so you have something handy when you're hungry or tempted by the candy and donuts your coworkers bring in!

3.     Sun Basket! We love it. You can get gluten free, dairy free, paleo meals and they are so yummy. This is a lifesaver for dinner, especially mid week. It's nice to decompress while making the meals with my husband and Pepper, and we also get to try new ones we would definitely not think of ourselves. For a 50% discount, check out this link:

**Don't forget about leftovers. Normally, I will have extra from my Sun Basket meal and save it for lunch the next day.

4.     Stir-fry is my 2nd best friend. Super quick and hard to mess up. Great if you are limited on time after work and before getting your toddler to bed. Pepper loves to munch on the raw veggies too!

5.     Find healthy alternatives. I just discovered Halo Top Ice Cream. Wish I'd discovered it sooner, it’s so yummy! If you can’t tell, I LOVE ICE CREAM, and have tried to find healthier alternatives for a while, but they all seem to be really watery. Halo Top is deliciously creamy though.

So ladies, try to remember it’s not always as easy as it looks on Instagram and Facebook. We all struggle, if you have a bad day, it's okay - get up the next day and start over. Healthy eating should be a lifestyle, not just a quick fix diet.

Coming Up Next

I would love everyone’s support on my latest project as a mompreneur. I am helping to launch BioSci Labs, a new STEM incubator in Coventry, RI in the former GTECH manufacturing building. We are having a launch party/ribbon cutting ceremony for our new facility on May 18th. We have a 90+ person café with a patio as well as a gallery space where the party will be hosted.

In addition to showcasing our facility, we will be showing selected science-inspired artworks from The Wurks, a local art collective. We are expecting around 200 scientists, business and community leaders, friends and press to attend the opening. We would love to use this as a way to partner and promote other local business. Please contact me if you would like to be involved.

Contact Info & Social Media


      Twitter: @LizStone11


      Instagram: @peppers_closet_



Photo Credits: Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Stone. Stir fry courtesy of Pexels.