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RI Confidential: How To Get Yourself In Big Trouble On FB & Instagram

Updating Facebook or Instagram

I had been a fan not so much of her music, but of her. She is after all cute, a snazzy dresser and does a ton of charity work (including singing to sick kids at ____________ hospital locally). Coincidentally, over the years, I’d also spent a lot of time in __________ (ritzy seaside RI town), where she sometimes resides.

How could I have predicted that all that would add up to BIG TROUBLE?

Recently, a few random pix of her at _________ (ritzy hotel) in ____________ (that same ritzy seaside RI town) - Holding a glass of champagne while hanging out in one of the bathrooms - happened to make their way to me. (It's called technology. Wink.) My first instinct was – of course! – to post them to my FB and Instagram accounts. Full disclosure: this is not the first time that following my initial impulse has gone horribly wrong and it probably won’t be the last, but whatevs. In retrospect, however, it wasn’t posting the pix to social media that put me in boiling water. It was the part where I briefly and stupidly tagged her in the Instagram post. That’s what did it. Clearly, I’d had an complete and total Insta-Idiot moment.

The next morning (after the posting) was like any other until, that is, my cell started going off like mad. A rapid succession of texts and one semi frantic call, telling me to take down all posts of you-know-who. ASAP. (Even my landline was ringing btw, which is definitely not the norm.) Apparently, her people had called _________ hotel, looking specifically for Patty Jeffrey (Hey, that's ME!) to ask her to please take down those pix. Now, I wasn’t anywhere near that hotel. I was miles away, sitting in my kitchen, eating blueberries from Whole Foods and checking emails. Boring but true.

In the end, I did delete all those pix from my accounts because just don’t want to piss her off. (Google songs written about and/or feuds with Katy Perry, Harry Styles, Jake Gyllenhaal, and John Mayer for starters.) And “they” (by they, I do mean her people) did say please - although maybe, in retrospect, I should've kept them up: I mean maybe she would've written a song about it and that actually would've been pretty cool.

PS - Please tell me what's so bad about a pix of someone holding a champagne glass while standing in a bathroom anyway?


Ciao for Now,

Patty J


Photo Credit: Photo by Ashley Farney. To see more of her work, click here.