This PVD Holistic Dr Is Talking The Ancient Stone & Facial Treatment Everyone's Suddenly Posting About

Justin Bieber is apparetly using it to address neck pain. Supermodel Karlie Kloss’ aesthtician of choice, Georgia Louise, is known to include it in her facials. Yes, Gua Sha - also known in some circles as Crystal Stone Scraping - is popping up all over Instagram and in YouTube beauty vlogs and tutorials. Mary Claire Dilks, Providence-based Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and friend of the blog, is here today with everything you’ll want to know about the amazing stone that you’re probably seeing everyone posting about all of a sudden.


The alluring empresses and concubines in ancient China held many beauty secrets. From beautiful floral waters and herbal masks to facial massage and steams, skin care was a way of life. We still use many of these time tested techniques today. One facial massage technique (that you may have never heard of) is now on the verge of becoming mainstream. Known as Gua Sha (literally skin scraping), it's gaining huge popularity with celebrity facialists in the green beauty movement and for good reason.

The benefits of facial Gua Sha include relaxing muscle tension, smoothing the connective tissue, reducing wrinkles, and improving lymphatic flow to decrease puffiness. In 2007, a German study found that Gua Sha improves blood circulation to the skin by over 400%! It instantly rejuvenates the skin cells for a healthy glow.

Do you want to know the best part? You can learn to do it yourself! Facial gua sha uses a flat jade tool to apply a gentle, cooling massage. With the proper technique, you can spend 5-10 minutes after cleansing your skin at night, and you'll see some incredible benefits over time. Check out tutorials online or attend a live workshop at Emerging Energy Acupuncture in Providence. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to find out when these classes will be available this year.

 More About Dr Dilks

Dr. Mary Claire Dilks is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, and owner of Emerging Energy Acupuncture in the Jewelry District in Providence. She has also been named Best Of RI ("Best Inner Healing"). Visit her at