This Cumberland Farm Is Creating A Fab Butterfly Mosaic And You Can Be Part Of It

Wings Of Hope

Robert Frost referred to them as “flowers that fly” and something called The Butterfly Project (that’s currently underway in Cumberland) is most certainly uplifting!

Now this butterfly — in the town named originally for Prince William of Cumberland — won’t take flight per se, but it is meant to lift people’s spirits and bring them together (not in a literal way because well, everything that’s STILL going on) to create one heck of a beautiful art project.

The folks over at Phantom Farms — which got its name because of the clandestine meetings that were apparently held during Prohibition — have launched The Butterfly Project on their property on Diamond Hill Road, and are asking people to either drop off a painted rock or craft one on the premises.

As you can see from the photos below, things are anything but rocky with lotsa amateur artists and avid crafters having already added their masterpieces to the shelves.

Once they have enough, they will set out to construct a ginormous BUTTERFLY MOSAIC out of them, which if you ask me is going to be pretty darn magical.

Channel your inner Jan Wetstone (or Martha Stewart) by zhuzh-ing up a stone or two. There’s no charge. They are, however, asking for donations to the Cumberland Land Trust.

I’d never heard of it prior to yesterday afternoon, but their mission sounds worthwhile. They are intent on preserving land in town (in other word, keeping it undeveloped), so that it may be enjoyed now and for future generations.

To be part of The Butterfly Project, just take a spin over to Phantom Farms which is located at 2920 Diamond Hill Road. (You can also shop their bakery and general store. We bought a delish apple pie on Monday.)

As always, PLEASE do let them know you found out about them here via Patty J and


Photo Credits: Above Images Are Courtesy Of