We Got A Table At This Popular Outdoor Spot In Newport County And It Was Swell


The greattt news? Newport Vineyards is more popular than ever.

The not-so-great news? Newport Vineyards is more popular than ever!

Anyone who’s tried getting a reservation for their outdoor space ty knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Tbh, I’ve been trying since (at least) May.

The other day, I actually succeeded in scoring a reservation.

Let me loop you in on a little tip, something I’ve learned over the last few months: You definitely want to keep an eye on their Instagram.

More specifically, when they say over on IG that they have opened up some tables, that’s the time to hop on Open Table and try your luck. (They have a Link Tree in their bio that allows you to access Open Table in 2 clicks.)

Yesterday was our day (peppered with my running exclamations of: “Do You Know How Tough It Is To Get A Table Here?”) and gotta say, all of the food was truly excellent.

From the pickles and olives app to the tomato salad (yours truly) and fish sandwich (the hubs), we had nothing but marvelous things to say. (My only call-out would be for — no surprise — more meatless options.)

For those who don’t imbibe, there’s always Yacht Club soda or lemonade.

For those who do, the menu is overflowing with white and red wines as well as signature cocktails.

I asked the waiter what the popular white wines are and he suggested the Great White (rich mango and apricot) and Gewurztraminer (honey, spice and floral).

Well I went with the German-sounding one and it was EXCELLENT — especially for a 75 degree August day with a slight breeze when you’re sitting and looking out onto the rows of grapes growing on East Main Road!

To me, it was crisp with the tiniest hint of sweetness.

Like so many other eateries around RI, they’ve (hooray) expanded their outside seating.

If your timing is opportune, you might be able to snag 2 of the red chairs that they have set up closer to the vines. (No bottles or cans are allowed there, though.)

Anywho, if the reservation gods are on your side and the weather’s clear and mild, I cannot think of a better spot to spend a few hours in August or September.

*Newport Vineyards is located at 909 East Main Road in Middletown, Rhode Island. (Helloooo, you don’t have to go over the Bridge.)

As always, if you go after reading THIS, please let them know your outing was inspired by Patty J and PattyJ.com.

Photo Credits: All of the above images are courtesy of Patty J and PattyJ.com.