You'll Want To Add This To Your LYBL List This Summer, So Says This Rhody Writer

Btw, LYBL stands for Living Your Best Life (List). Now here's Colin with something you'll definitely want to add to that this season in RI. 

Theater In The Ocean State

Summer is here and that means you have approximately 4-5 months to do anything and everything you want before we all freeze to death for another 4-5 months. And that’s just what I’ve been doing. This past weekend I took in the closing weekend of Epic Theatre Company’s production of “Wolf Hall.”

Epic is a local theatre company in the Ocean State, one of many. Rhode Islanders spend a ton of money during the summer. Some of that cash is spent globally by traveling or taking in big budget traveling productions. But much more of it could be funneled back into the community. We’ve always had a strong theatre scene, obviously since Trinity acts as one of the city’s cornerstones. (I mean that literally - it takes up the majority of a city block downtown.)

But there are a lot of smaller theatres doing some great work using an abundance of local talent. As mentioned, Epic in Cranston. Theatre By The Sea in Wakefield. Burbage in Pawtucket. Providence’s The Wilbury, Contemporary in Wakefield, and of course the Gamm. There are plenty more, but I’ll just name drop those for right now.

There’s a great deal of very talented actors, writers, directors, and crew members in our little state and I’m a firm believer that we should support our local art scenes. So next weekend when you’re wondering what to do, why not think a little more local and check out one of RI’s great theatres.

Thanks for reading!

+ Colin Carlton

More About Colin

Colin is the author of Infinite Velocity and freelance writer.

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