The Providence Greenhouses For Gorgeous Christmas Decor And Palm Trees

Every Christmas for the past 6-7 years, I have motored over to the RWP Botanical Center, and gotta say, this year the decorations and overall vibe are TREE-MENDOUS.

It’s the best year in recent memory because in addition to the trees and dozens of red and white poinsettias in the entryway and main room, they have added an impressive table top train set (look close to the many nods to Rhode Island & NE life), a ski scene, and a whole other set of trees decked out in ultra festive red in the second room.

Pssst…Don’t miss the koi pond. It’s not Christmas per se, but still sensational.

The kids will love exploring and so will anyone else who enjoys the holidays but isn’t a fan of the cold weather in Lil Rhody. (Yes, these greenhouses are nice and balmy, so you don’t necessarily need to wear your warmest gear.)

Foodie Update: This holly day season they’ve also brought in a local caterer (Cozy Caterers) every Thursday thru Sunday, offering up hot coffee and cocoa, soda pop, snacks and such. I think that’s just dandy because I love a late morning or afternoon nosh.

Find the RWP Botanical Center inside Roger Williams Park at 1000 Elmwood Avenue in Providence, RI.

They are open every Tuesday through Sunday, from 10am to 4pm.

As always, if you go after reading THIS, please let them know you were inspired by Patty J and